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被浏览: 0次 2023年05月30日 18:29

Disease is usually caused by overeating.
Let's make some concession. I will give you 5% off discount.
I'm sorry that I can't agree to your 5% off discount request .
Our products enjoy a good reputation at home and abroad with good quality and reasonable price.
Nobody by Elizabeth. Green works here.
I love this silk shirt, but the price seems too expensive.
A lot of scenic spots in this city are worth visiting.
I love clothes with simple style and pure color.
If you don't reject, I can accompany you and be your shopping guide
I have to say goodbye now. Thank you for your hospitality these days.
Welcome to China and wish you have a good time in China.
I'm Tang Feng from Pacific Company and I'm picking you up here.
How do you think the negotiation should be conducted/carried on? Let me see your schedule.
If you don't mind, we'd like to talk about the payment first.
I will visit you at 6 p.m, it that ok?
What would you like ? Sweet or spicy food?
I appreciate for the substantial dinner you prepared for me.
Please make yourself at home, let me take the fish for you
The police's visit has nothing to do with the lost child.
Large companies have raised the management's function to a professional standard of knowledge.


1. 疾病常常是由于饮食过量而引起的。
Diseases are often caused by over eating
2. 我们都做兄余歼些让步吧。我给你打九五折。
Let’s all make a compromise. I’ll give a 5% off.
3. 很抱歉,我不能同意你再降价5%的要求。
I’m sorry, I can’t agree with you to the requirements of the price discount by 5%
4. 我们产品质量优良,价格合理,享誉海内外。
Our products are of good quality with reasonable prices and are know both home and abroad.
5. 没有名叫伊丽莎白•格林的人在这工作。
There is no person named Elizabeth working here.
6. 我喜欢这条真丝衬衫,但价钱似乎太贵了。
I like this silk shirt but it seems too expensive.
7. 这个城市有很多景点值得一看。
There are many spots in this city worth paying a visit.
8. 我喜欢样式简单,颜色素净的衣服。
I prefer plain cloth in simple style.
9. 如果你不反对的话,我可以陪你一起去,做你的购物导游。
If you don’t mind, I can go with you to be your shopping guide.
10. 我现在得说再见了。谢谢你们这些羡冲天的照顾。
I have to say goodbye now. Thanks to your looking after these day.
11. 欢迎您到中国来,希望您在中国过得愉快。
Welcome to china. Hope you enjoy yourself in china.
12. 我是毁好太平洋公司的唐锋,我来接您。
I’m Tangfeng, representative of Company Of The Pacific, coming to meet you here.
13. 你认为谈判应如何进行?让我先听听你的日程表吧?
How do you think a negotiation should proceed? How about letting me see your schedule first?
14. 你若不介意的话,我们想先谈一下付款问题。
If you don’t mind, let us talk about the payment first.
15. 我在晚上6点钟来拜访你,行吗?
Shall I visit you at 6 tonight?
16. 您喜欢吃什么菜,甜的还是辣的?
What kind of dished would you like, sweet or spicy?
17. 非常感谢你们为我准备了这么丰盛的晚宴。
Thanks greatly for giving me such a big dinner.
18. 请别客气,让我为您夹点儿鱼。
Please don’t mention it but let me make you have some fish.
19. 警察的来访与那个丢失的孩子无关。
The visit of police has nothing to do with that losing child.
20. 大公司已将管理部门的职能提高到有学识的专业水平。
Big companies have already improve their development of management to the professional level with sufficient knowledge.


Usually, diseases are caused by over eating.
Let's make a comprose ,and I will offer you a discount of 5%.
I'm sorry I can't agree with your repuirement of another 0.5% discount.
The products of our company with good quality ,reasonable price,are famous all around the world.
No one named Elizabeth Green works here.
I like this real silk shirt ,but it seems to be too expensive.
Many sight spots here in this city are worth visiting.
I prefer clothes of simple cut and plain color.
With your agreement ,it'知键樱搭丛s my honor to be you shopping guide here.
I have to say goodbye today,and thanks for your treatment these days.
Welcome to China ,and wish you a happy trip here.
I'm Feng Tang from Pacific ,who come here to pick you up.
What's your idea about the arrangement on the negotiation?How about share you schedule with me?
If you don't mind ,let'亮族s talk about the payment first.
Is it convenient that I come to visit you at 6 pm?
How is your favor on foods?Do you preffer sweet taste?Or hot?
Thank you very much for the delicioud dinner you prepare for me !
Just please make yourself at home.and have a try this fish .
The visit of the police has nothing to do with the missing child;
Major company had upper the function of the management department to the level with professonal knowledge.


1 illness is always caused by over-diet.