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被浏览: 0次 2023年05月24日 14:45

How to Behave in Public
National Middle School Students Games is coming . Everyong should learn to behave in public. First , we should be friendly and polite to others. Second , we shouldn't shout in public places . Third , we can't drop litter everywhere . We should drop it in garbage can . Fourth , we should help people who are in trouble and we can't laugh at them. If every can do these things , I believe our environment will become more beautiful .
Li Hua


How to Behave in Public
National Middle School Students Games will come ,Everyone should be firendly and polit,how should we to do that?At first , we can not talking loudly in public places ,because it is impolit ,than we can not drop litter ,if we see there is a little litter ,we can pick them up and drop them in dustbin(垃圾箱) Finally ,smoking everywhere is also impolite.As for a middle school student ,we have to study hard,than we can watch games.
Li Hua



The reason there are societal rules of etiquette regarding behavior in public is because everyone has different ideas of what is tasteful, acceptable and "normal" when wandering about in public places. And since there are so many different ideas of what is right and wrong, general rules or guidelines have evolved so as to allow for getting along and coexisting peacefully in a mixed world of differing ideas.

Below is the list of three rules of etiquette on How To Behave In Public:

1. Don't laugh, point, or make faces at people for being different (weight, hair, etc.) If it is something you wouldn't want them to hear, then you probably should keep it to yourself.
If somebody is being disruptive, say "excuse me" and politely ask them to tone it down. Be friendly. Do not complain about their behavior-you are being obnoxious when you do that. Remember to say "please," "thank you," and "you're welcome." When speaking to adults, address them by "sir" or "ma'am."

2. When in public, try to keep in mind that others might not be as enthusiastic as you are with the noise you're generating. This includes yelling or speaking loudly, arguing, laughing over exuberantly, talking on your cell phone and playing music. Anything that disturbs the ambience of a particular public place, would generally be considered outside what is the right thing to do. So, try to keep your voice down, don't belly laugh all the time at the movies. Don't argue out in the front yard. These are all common sense things that most people can recognize when others are doing it. Keep electronic equipment at a low volume. In libraries and movie theaters, your phone should be off or on vibrate. Use headphones when listening to music, and make sure nobody can hear what you are listening to with headphones on. If you do keep your cell phone ringer on, make sure the music playing is appropriate.

3. Keep your area clean and organized. Wipe off tables, throw away garbage, and leave as little evidence that you were there as possible. People are sensitive to odors. They cause physical reactions in some and can change mood. Therefore, when in public, try to keep your odors to yourself. This include body odor, including perfumes and colognes. Also consider the smell of cigarette smoke and how unpleasant some may find it.

These three rules of etiquette can and probably should be followed by pretty much any and everyone that goes out into the public parts of our world. Doing so will not only allow those around you to carry on in civilized ways, but will likely cause you, yourself to be happier too as it frees you from the contention that quite often arises when people don't adhere to these simple rules.