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求高一英语作文 大神速来

被浏览: 0次 2023年04月19日 12:21

I agree that Chinese students going to study abroad is a good thing, which helps us to know more about foreign countries, but everything has at least two sides and different people have different opinions.

Those who against studying abroad think that due to culture didderence ,it may be hard for the students to get used to life abroad.What'清乱s more,it is totally a waste of money since we have already prestigious universities in our county.

As to me ,I think differently ,and will go abroad if i can.We are yong enough that we should seize the oppority to see the outer world,in the same time ,improve our foreign language learning.just as the old saying goes:''Reading thousands of books is no better than walking thousands of miles''.but the most inportant thing is to study no matter study at home or abroad.
