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被浏览: 0次 2023年09月22日 17:39

e通过管理每家供应商持有的相关许可证,参考商品是否符合国家官方标准和槐巧公司质量安全政策来保证质量。Category management: a select and manage general merchandise selected coverage latest choice b on the basis of annual departmental commodity divisions plan, timely updates are owned sub-sector commodity structure and classification, Structure c closer to customer needs as much as possible to determine the logical price segment responsible for the category (from the first pricing period to the price section IV) d necessary to establish stores at the subsector exhibited in the number of commodities and shelves. e through the management of related licenses held by each supplier, refer to the official product compliance with national standards and quality security policy to ensure the quality of the company.


金雅中- Maria
下载地迟颂址 :穗悄http://


Category management:

A The latest a selection and management of commodityselected range

B according to the annual departmental category plan,update the commodity structure of departments andclassification, as much as possible close to the customer demand structure

C to determine compliance with price logic assigned category (from the first price to fourth price segment)

D determines the number and the number of stores in theshelf goods necessary sub-sector display.

E permits held by each supplier management, commodityin accordance with the quality safety policy official national standards and to ensure quality.


A the selection and management of commodity in the new range of B according to the annual departmental category plan, update the commodity structure of departments and classification, as far as possible to the price of logic and close to the customer demand structure c determine the assigned category (from the first price to fourth price) d stores in the necessary sub-sector display shelf number and commodity number.E through the relevant license management each vendor holds, whether the goods meet the quality and safety policy reference state standards and to ensure quality.