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被浏览: 0次 2023年05月11日 14:56

Youth unemployment is at an all-time high and the young of today –升灶橘 including me – are starting to reassess the meaning of this term “career”.

It has become a strange animal for anyone aged 24 and under, as it sits staring at us, smugly. When adults ask us, as children: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” the emphasis is on the “be” – what path will shape your identity as your limbs develop and you start to wear stiff clothes.

But self-identity is a touchy subject for today’s graduates, who are likely to be on the dole, scrounging off their parents and feeling worthless for doing so: broken pride, diminishing self-worth and financial despair bottled up in their old bedroom back at home. We are tempted to knock back beakers of Talisker at the thought of the cheques to be made payable to the ever-present student loan company.

Meanwhile, our qualifications are being laughed at over polished table-tops by grown-ups in stiff suits and beads or cufflinks.

As the 200th impassioned covering letter and CV is tossed into the bin, we think: “To hell with this – as a lowly arts graduate with a pointless degree, perhaps I could afford to be a bit more creative about career possibilities than my more sensible vocational buddies.”

So how about working as a baker? As many iced buns as you can eat? Or there are people who get paid to test water slides in holiday resorts. Or farming – farmers are supposed to be the happiest of all workers. And in 2009 someone won a job as a caretaker on a paradise island for six months. You can’t say no to that.

Back in the real world, my friends have worked as refuse collectors and behind the counter at McDonald’s since leaving university.

That’s still far preferable to being a miserable tethered intern. A friend, after two years of interning that cost her hundreds of pounds and an unhealthy accumulation of cynicism, even heard one of her bosses chortle that “they” (interns) were “like meercats – so eager!”. Everyone in the office thought this was funny.

She didn’t. She was just sent off to make more coffee.

Perhaps there’s no such thing as a “dream job” any more. I told my father I was into books and liked the way they were worked on and laid out. “Book publishing is a dying industry,” he boomed.

People in advertising always seem fairly happy – or is that because they become so good at selling that they sell themselves to themselves? And those bankers pop a lot of champagne corks. Or what about shiny, sparkling Google? It looks fun, crazy, the future?

Then I spoke to an occupational psychologist, Simon Draycott at Mendas career coaching, who said money and fame were definitely not the answers. “Of course, you’re right, you’re completely right,” I retracted, not entirely convinced. We only say these things to psychologists so that we don’t look like money-grabbing wasters – or so I thought.

But it turns out to be true – research shows that money just doesn’t add up to happiness. Salary, bonuses, worldwide adoration – these things are “hygiene factors” in psychological terms – they please us up to a point, but without more substance we soon feel empty again.

“It’s about challenge,” says Simon Lutterbie, an astute DPhil in social psychology from the iOpener Institute of People and Performance. “It’s one of the great psychological findings that we are at our happiest when we are on the brink of achieving something.”

AA Milne summed up this trait, too: “‘Well,’ said Pooh. ‘What I like best...’ and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn’t know what it was called.”

Are a million young unemployed people on the brink of achieving something? If so, what might it be? When I left university I felt on that brink. Since then, I’ve decided that firing off CVs and Post-It-note stacking do not count as legitimate working challenges. Surely there now has to be some kind of honey involved.












后来我咨询了一位职场心理学家——职场辅导机构Mendas的西蒙?德雷科特(Simon Draycott)。他说金钱和名誉显然都不是答案。尽管我违心地说,“当然,你是对的,完全正确”,但他并没有完全说服我。我们对心理医生这么说,只是为了让自己看起来不像一个只盯着钱的废物——至少我是这样想的。

但事实证明他说的没错,有研究显示,金钱并不等于幸福。工资、奖金、蜚声世界——用心理学的术语说,这些都是“保健因素”(hygiene factor)——它们能在一定程度以内让我们喜悦,但如果没有更多的物质,我们就又会感到空虚。

研究社会心理学的心理学博士西蒙?卢特比(Simon Lutterbie)聪明干练,供职于iOpener人际和绩效研究所(iOpener Institute of People and Performance)。他说:“答案在于挑战。一项重要的心理学发现是,我们在临近实现一项目标时最为喜悦。”

艾伦?亚历山大?米恩(AA Milne)也总结出了同样的观点,他写道:“‘嗯,’维尼熊说,‘我最喜欢的是……’它停下来开始思考。因为尽管吃蜜糖是件极其美妙的事,但在吃到蜜糖前,有那么一瞬间,简直比吃到了蜜糖还美妙,可是它却不知道那一刻叫作什么。”
