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1.我谨向那些帮助过我的老师致谢(express)2.大部分矿工被救了出来(rescue)3.这座小城的许多房子都被暴风雨给摧毁了(destroy)4.地震过后,全村到处都是残埂断壁(lay in ruin)谢啦!!
被浏览: 0次 2023年05月05日 17:55

1、I express my thanks to the teachers who have helped me.
2、枝贺乱Most of miners have been rescued.
3、拍茄Many houses of this town have been destroyed by storm.
4、猛档After the quake, the village had laid in ruins.


1. I would like to express my thanks to the teachers who offered great help to me.
2. Most of the miners have been rescued.
3. A lot of houses in this small town were destoryed with the storms.