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题目是《Mission for today✀s youths》,160字左右,谢谢。
被浏览: 0次 2023年06月26日 03:59

Nowadays, the younger age group, also known as the youths, are wondering meaninglessly through life, without a goal in their mind. It is commonly agreed on that in order to succeed one needs a goal or a mission. The youths need to give themselves missions and achieve what they need in life. Currently, global warming is a significant issue. The ice bergs are melting, and Arctic animals are losing their homes. This horrible phenomenon is caused by pollution. Unfortunately, each and everyone of us is the contributor to that. Therefore, a mission for the youths today could be helping the environment. They could plant a tree, turn lights off when they leave a room, starts classifying garbage and recycling are all great missions and goals for themselves that will be really helpful to our world nowadays. These missions not only will help them, but also help the rest of the world and the earth itself. We have taken so much, it is time we give some back in return.