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被浏览: 0次 2023年05月20日 16:54

I stood without moving, the door closed behind me, the walls hard and silent on both sides and him in front of me, looking into my face. His empty eyes grew a smile when he realized he would soon have all the money in my wallet. Looking downwards at his hands, I saw him take out a sharp, silvery object. Then in a soft, low voice he said, “Come over here.” Although I felt collecting of wetness on my forehead, collapsing of feeling in my stomach like a balloon losing air and shiver(颤抖) of fear in my legs, now it was impossible to escape, so I fell into a chair beside him. Though as far as I know he would soon cut me, I raised my courage enough to say, “A little off the sides around my ears and shorten the top.”


“描述的是一次抢蠢闷劫事件,后来作者鼓起勇气说‘A little off the sides around my ears and shorten the top.”’来争取和劫匪谈判”
但是我觉得这篇文章很像在以幽默的口吻讲述自己害怕剪发的故事,比如说“so I fell into a chair beside him”,抢劫谋杀什带空弯么的旁边有个椅子未免太滑稽了吧?而且最后一句话貌似理解为“把我耳朵两边的头发剪短,再把头亏喊顶打薄点”比较符合常理……
