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被浏览: 0次 2023年10月20日 15:22

"If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten,either write things worth reading,or do things worth writing."如果你不想在死了或者腐烂掉之后马上被人忘记,你应该或者写一些值得阅读的文字或者做一些值得写的事情。Today,we honor Ben Franklin as one of our Founding Fathers and as one of America's greatest citizens.今天,我们把本 富兰克林尊为我们的国父和美国最伟大的公民之一。In 1732 Franklin published a book"Poor Richard's Almanac".在1732年,富兰克林发表了一本名为《贫穷的理查德的年历》的书。“Most almanacs contained information for famers,such as information about the days and weeks of the year and about the weather.大多数的年历都包含给农民的信息,比如年月日的信息或者是关于天气的信息。To his almanac,Franklin added wise sayings of observations about life;some of these sayings are still famouse today.在他的(富兰克林的)年历里,富兰克林加入了一些关于生命的观察/思考的明智的言语/说法,直至今日,一些说法还被沿用。For example,"Early to bed,early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise,"and "Waste not,want not,"and "A penny saved is a penny earned."比如 ”早睡早起使人变得健康,富有和聪明“ 还有 ”俭以防匮“ 还有”省一文等于挣一文/聚沙可以成塔,积水可以成河“
As time goes by,I was able to work through my fears.随着时间的流逝,我能渐渐战胜我的恐惧了启举。Now I understand that the closest I have ever felt to God is in the back of an ambulance.现在我明白,我离上顷旁游帝最近的时候是我在黑暗的救护车里的时候。When I rush out to help sick strangers,I am part of something larger than myself. 当我冲出去帮助病弱的陌生人的时候,我比我自己更大了。
I thought,this lady should be dead over ten times. 我想,这位女士应该死过多余10次了。
When I rode alone with her in the back of the ambulance as another EMT drove,I reread the printout.当另一雀销个内科急救专家在开车 而我和她单独坐在黑暗的救护车后面时, 我重新读了一遍打印出来的(文件)She was 33 years old.她33岁。No previous address.没有之前的地址。 Her whole life as presented here was just a list of medicines,symptoms and illnesses. 她的一生呈现在这的仅仅是一列药的名称,症状还有疾病。
"I really like Shirley Caesar,"I continued我真的很喜欢Shirley Caesar,我继续说到,thinking of the singer's heartbreaking song about a mother's love for her ungrateful son,pouring her soul into every word.想着她(那个歌手Shirley Caesar)那使人心碎的关于一个妈妈对她不孝之子的母爱的歌,歌手把她的灵魂嵌入了每一句歌词中。I started naming other gospel singers.我开始罗列其他唱传福音歌曲的歌手的名字。With each one,Nellie nodded back,and I saw her try to smile.每说一个,Nellie就会点头,我看见她试图微笑。I wanted to say something meaningful to her,something other than"Where does it hurt?"我想对她说些有意义的事, 一些不是”哪里疼?“这样的话。

But my eyes remained dry,like Nellie's.但是我的眼睛还是干的,像Nellie的眼睛一样。 Hobbies:sewing and gospel music,I thought as we glided in the darkness of the night toward home.兴趣爱好: 缝补和福音歌曲, 我想着,在我们回家的路上,天色渐渐暗下。

